Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fascinating Article on Trans Amourous Men


By "trans amourous men" here is meant: men who are attracted (romantically and/or sexually) to transwomen. The article talks about the discrimination, and outright hostility, such men face, and how that can make it difficult for transwomen to find fulfilling relationships: especially transwomen who haven't had bottom surgery.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Terrific Article, "My Life Without Gender", by Tyler Ford

In the Guardian.

What totally resonated with me was Tyler's comment that it was well into their life before they realized that there was even an option of not being identified as either male or female. I am pretty sure I lost a lot of valuable time for that same reason. I always knew I wasn't male, but I didn't really feel quite female, either, so that made it seem as if I really did have to be male. Back and forth, back and forth.

What a treat to be able to get off that see-saw and just be me.

Great Post on Male Lingerie

Really nice post over on Petra Joy's blog about male lingerie. As I say in a comment there, it's great that people are making sexy panties for people with penises. The panties made for people with vaginas can sometimes be a bit confining. The downside is that these can be very expensive. A typical pair of panties from Homme Mystere, as lovely as they are, runs $25 or more, compared to like $10 for a 3-pack of cotton Hanes.

The place I've been doing most of my shopping for this kind of thing is XDress. The panties are still on the expensive side, but much less so, and they have a wider selection. Like Homme Mystere, they also have bras and camis and the like, and even some cute costumes, like this French Maid outfit.

To be honest, though, it's just really nice to know that there are enough male-bodied people out there who want to wear this kind of thing that there are now several companies selling it.